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Vinyl Child Dolls of the 50's

This little doll to the left has no markings but her clothes are original as were several others in the case she came in. The case was hers and I've since found more of the original clothes. They later put the cases out with the same clothes and a different doll, an updated 60's doll. I don't think it's nearly as cute as this one is. She came with a couple other dolls and the little pin was with them. It's a broken Shirley Temple pin. None of the dolls was a Shirley Temple but I let her wear the pin anyway.

To the right is one of the Horsman T-21 Ruthie dolls. She's wearing her original outfit complete with scarf. I thought she was so cute she reminded me of the clothes from my own childhood.

Below she's taken her raincoat and scarf off and is playing in the sandbox with 2 of her little friends. The doll in the green dress is a Dee an Cee, and the little one is another smaller Ruthie from the 60's. I love the Ruthie dolls and have several.

The 2 little Ruthies to the left are my newest Ruthies. They were both birthday presents in '04. The tall girl is all original and even has her box. Her hair is really great! Her little friend is a later Ruthie and has all her original curls too. She's wearing a nice newer green dotted Swiss dress.

Tho the left are my 2 biggest dolls. Neither is marked. This was a photo I took for Easter so they are all dressed up for church. The larger doll wasn't a very expensive one to begin with. She has the ring of hair around her head to make a ponytail and not much in the middle. Sadly what she did have is almost gone, her bangs is most of what's left. She's another little girl that I will eventually reroot. She's large enough that I can dress her in vintage little girl's clothes. Her little sister has great hair and bend knee. The dress she's wearing is her original. Her shoes are original too but she has new socks. She's a pretty common doll, made by Deluxe Reading.

And finally this last little girl shown below came to me in pretty bad shape. She's unmarked and I think she's totally adorable now. You can see her make over here.

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